01/29/2025 - Digital nomads with a disability 01/21/2025 - Neuer Artikel im Barrierefrei Erleben Magazin 12/04/2024 - Christmas gift shopping guide for amputees 11/20/2024 - Nach einem Lawinenunglück zurück in ein aktives Leben II 11/17/2024 - Doku: Aktiv nach einer Amputation 11/13/2024 - Nach einem Lawinenunglück zurück in ein aktives Leben I 11/06/2024 - An update on my fundraiser for the Range of Motion Project 2024 10/30/2024 - Open Ocean - Surfen und Meer für alle 09/25/2024 - House hunting as a person with a disability 09/22/2024 - My Fundraiser for the Range of Motion Project 2024 09/18/2024 - ANATOMIC STUDIOS captures the spirit of the Paralympics 09/11/2024 - Das Genium X4 von Ottobock im Alltagstest 09/04/2024 - Click Medical’s RevoFit System: The Adventure Enabler 09/04/2024 - Click Medicals RevoFit System: Damit werden Abenteuer wieder möglich 08/28/2024 - Die #unofficialdiscipline bei den Paralympics in Paris 2024 06/19/2024 - 3. Amputierten Wandertag in der Eifel 05/29/2024 - Double amputee on top of the world 05/15/2024 - Das Genium X4 wird der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt 05/15/2024 - The launch of Ottobock's new Genium X4 04/17/2024 - Interessenverbände auf der OT World 2024 04/10/2024 - Time to get ready for Mobility May 04/03/2024 - Filmtip Open Ocean 03/20/2024 - Probandensuche 03/13/2024 - Steptics will weltweit Menschen mit Amputationen den Zugang zu Hochleistungsprothesen ermöglichen 03/06/2024 - Beyond Limits 02/28/2024 - Alles eine Frage der Einstellung 02/21/2024 - Amputierten Wandertag im März im Siebengebirge 02/15/2024 - New podcast episode: Meet Christopher Rains 01/17/2024 - Fallschirmspringen für Menschen mit Behinderung 12/27/2023 - Join me for the January Walking Challenge 11/22/2023 - Eine Reise in die Welt des Para-Eishockeys 11/15/2023 - New podcast episode: Staying safe outdoors in winter - despite an amputation 11/01/2023 - Neue Podcastfolge: Auch im Winter und trotz Amputation sicher draußen unterwegs sein 10/22/2023 - Heute im Interview: ALPS South Markenbotschafter Massimo Giandinoto 10/15/2023 - Meet ALPS South ambassador Massimo Giandinoto 10/15/2023 - New cooperation with ALPS® South 10/11/2023 - The bike ride of a lifetime 09/27/2023 - Überlegungen zum September 2023 09/20/2023 - New podcast is available now: Meet Sydney Marshburn 09/13/2023 - Erster Amputierten Wandertag in der Eifel 09/06/2023 - Invictus Games 2023 in Düsseldorf 08/16/2023 - Ein Trike für mehr Unabhängigkeit 08/09/2023 - People with limb differences that blow your mind 08/02/2023 - Neue Podcast-Episode mit Saphenus Medical Technology 07/12/2023 - Celebrating one year of cooperation with Click Medical 07/05/2023 - Mit Osseointegration auf dem Jakobsweg 06/28/2023 - The war in Ukraine 06/07/2023 - Zwei phantastische Veranstaltungen 05/24/2023 - Reisen mit Prothese 05/17/2023 - Inklusionstag 2023 05/03/2023 - Mobility is not a luxury 03/29/2023 - Living a fulfilled life after a septic shock 03/22/2023 - Exciting news: The new Click® Reel will be available soon 03/15/2023 - New podcast is available now: Meet Jennifer Howland 03/08/2023 - Wissen, dass du nicht alleine bist 03/01/2023 - Nach Motorradunfall zurück ins Leben 02/19/2023 - New podcast is available now: Meet Jimmy Capra 02/15/2023 - Accept, adapt, achieve 02/08/2023 - Cycling to regain my life 02/01/2023 - Handwerk das bewegt 01/25/2023 - Wo geht die Reise hin in der Prothetik? 01/18/2023 - Welcome 2023 - better late than never 01/15/2023 - New podcast is available now: Meet Kyle Stepp 12/21/2022 - Tauchen nach einer Amputation 12/07/2022 - New partnership with ANATOMIC STUDIOS 12/01/2022 - Wenn der Winter kommt - Sicher trotz Oberschenkelamputation 11/23/2022 - #NeverStopReaching - Eine neue Initiative für Menschen mit Armprothesen 11/16/2022 - Walking in winter as an amputee 10/12/2022 - Osseointegration 10/05/2022 - Five pictures and me - Stephen Mackelprang 09/28/2022 - Machen ist wie Wollen, nur besser 09/21/2022 - The Active Amputee Podcast episode 38 is now available 09/14/2022 - Heute im Fokus: Sportprothesen 09/07/2022 - Reisen mit Prothese 08/31/2022 - ROMP - Climb with us 08/24/2022 - Blesma - supporting veterans for almost a century 08/17/2022 - Phantomschmerzen nach Amputation 08/17/2022 - Phantom pain after limb loss 08/10/2022 - Neue Podcast-Episode 07/20/2022 - Another strategic partnerships with an amazing company 07/15/2022 - Amputee goes through the roof and loves it 07/15/2022 - The Amputee Amputee hebt ab und verschwindet für ne Weile 07/06/2022 - Adjustable sockets with Click Medical 06/29/2022 - Strategic partnerships and new collaborations 06/29/2022 - Strategische Partnerschaften und neue Kollaborationen 06/15/2022 - Was ist drin in meinem Prothesen-Notfall-Reparatur-Set? 06/15/2022 - What's in my amputee emergency kit? 06/01/2022 - The healing power of nature 05/25/2022 - Pietske Hannema talks about her osseointegration 05/18/2022 - The Active Amputee Podcast episode 34 is now available 05/18/2022 - The Active Amputee Podcast Folge 34 ist nun zu haben 05/04/2022 - OT-World öffnet bald ihre Tore 05/04/2022 - OT-World is back and soon opens its doors to the public 04/13/2022 - Mehr Shows sind in Vorbereitung 04/13/2022 - More podcasts in the making 04/06/2022 - Ein Monat, in dem das Leben mit Amputation im Mittelpunkt steht 04/06/2022 - Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month 2022 04/01/2022 - The Active Amputee jetzt auch auf Deutsch 03/30/2022 - The Active Amputee soon also in German 03/16/2022 - Aktiv sein mit Levitate Blades 03/16/2022 - Get active with Levitate blades 03/09/2022 - Nepal special 03/02/2022 - Passionate about boxing 03/02/2022 - Boxerin aus Leidenschaft 02/23/2022 - Quinn Brett must-watch movies 02/16/2022 - Movao - A community platform for people with limb differences 02/09/2022 - Making tourism accessible for people of all abilities 02/02/2022 - Life hacks: A good socket fit is the key to an active life style 01/26/2022 - Inclusion in a lovely children's book 01/19/2022 - The only newsletter amputees really need 01/12/2022 - Marsha Danzig passed away 01/05/2022 - In transition - Welcome 2022 08/03/2021 - Charging your Genium via USB - Tested on tour 08/03/2021 - Lade dein Genium über USB - Unterwegs getestet 07/28/2021 - The silence of the Active Amputee 07/08/2021 - Amputee parenthood IV: Parenthood after sepsis 07/07/2021 - Amputee parenthood III: Triple amputee and mother 07/06/2021 - Amputee parenthood II: Pregnant as an amputee 07/05/2021 - Amputee parenthood I: Whether to have children or not 06/30/2021 - Access Adventures - An active summer for people with limb differences 06/30/2021 - Access Adventures - Im Sommer aktiv trotz körperlicher Einschränkungen 05/26/2021 - OttoBock's 3R80 Knee 05/26/2021 - Das 3R80 von OttoBock im Alltags-Test 05/12/2021 - Peer support and eduction 05/12/2021 - Peers und Aufklärung 05/05/2021 - Wieder auf die Beine kommen 04/07/2021 - Components for a cause 03/24/2021 - Repost of one of my favorite pieces: Poetry in motion 03/10/2021 - International Women's Day: From challenge comes change 03/03/2021 - Four seasons, four regions in Germany, four long-distance hikes 02/24/2021 - February update: 12 challenges to celebrate the year I will turn 50 02/17/2021 - Top articles on my blog: Amputee parenthood after sepsis 02/10/2021 - 12 challenges to celebrate the year I will turn 50 01/20/2021 - USB charging device for microprocessor knees 01/13/2021 - Welcome back to 2021 12/20/2020 - The evolution of smart prosthetics 12/15/2020 - Books by and about people with a limb difference 12/02/2020 - Infotainment at its best: Amazing TED Talks 12/02/2020 - Infotainment in seiner besten Form: Fantastische TED-Talks 11/25/2020 - Tips for asking about limb differences? 11/18/2020 - Sea kayaking: Another great outdoor activity for amputees 11/18/2020 - Kajakfahren auf dem Meer: Eine weitere tolle Outdoor-Aktivität für Amputierte 11/11/2020 - Real Mack Steve: Exploring the world one step at a time 11/04/2020 - Osseointegration: When a socket is not a viable option 11/01/2020 - The Active Amputee weekend edition: Another must-see video by Adenike Oyetunde 10/07/2020 - Dealing with your obstacles 09/23/2020 - ROMP - We still climb 09/09/2020 - Suranjana Ghosh, Osteosarcoma survivor 09/09/2020 - Suranjana Ghosh, Krebsüberlebende 09/06/2020 - From paragliding accident to happy amputee 09/02/2020 - Meet Chris from The Amped Life with Chris 08/26/2020 - Life after an osteosarcoma 08/19/2020 - An elective amputation can be a viable option 07/01/2020 - Cooperation with Paradox Sports to make climbing accessible to all 06/24/2020 - Amputees United - Creating supportive environments in Nigeria 06/17/2020 - Lessons learned by an above-knee amputee 06/10/2020 - Great resources for amputees: Podcasts you should listen to 06/03/2020 - Going global: CoRSU in Uganda - part V 06/01/2020 - The Active Amputee weekend edition: Interview with Josh Senior, adaptive athlete 05/27/2020 - Going global: CoRSU in Uganda - part IV 05/20/2020 - Going global: CoRSU in Uganda - part III 05/13/2020 - Going global: CoRSU in Uganda - part II 05/10/2020 - The Active Amputee weekend edition: New podcast episode is out 05/06/2020 - Going global: CoRSU in Uganda - part I 03/11/2020 - Getting out there and being active 03/04/2020 - Whole: A leg up on life 02/26/2020 - ID ETHNOS and its amazing prosthetic covers 02/26/2020 - ID ETHNOS und ihre coolen Cover 02/19/2020 - Sitting volleyball: Action for team-players 02/12/2020 - Remembering Patrice Méaume 02/05/2020 - What does inspirational actually mean? 02/05/2020 - Was bedeutet eigentlich "inspirierend"? 01/29/2020 - Enjoying the great outdoors as an amputee 01/22/2020 - Personal tips to deal with stump pain 01/15/2020 - Hands-on travel advice for people with limb differences 01/12/2020 - The Active Amputee - The 888m climbing challenge 01/08/2020 - Born out of personal experience: The IREDE Foundation of Nigeria 01/01/2020 - Five Instagram accounts to follow in 2020 11/13/2019 - Prothesengemeinschaft - A new community in Germany 10/30/2019 - Five pictures and me - Andrew Gregory 10/23/2019 - Testing the OttoBock 3R80 Knee 10/16/2019 - Travel tips for people with limb differences 09/29/2019 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Attempting to break a world record 09/25/2019 - Supporting research to inform policy and practice 09/22/2019 - An unusually long summer break 07/03/2019 - Five pictures and me - Caroline Mohr 06/30/2019 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - New podcast 06/26/2019 - Choosing the right prosthetic device for you 06/12/2019 - Kayaking as an amputee 06/05/2019 - Life hack: Dealing with volume fluctuations in your residual limb 05/29/2019 - Diego the little soldier 05/26/2019 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Five pictures and me - Erin Ball 05/22/2019 - Over the waves of uncertainty - Becoming an amputee 05/19/2019 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Riding a kick scooter as an amputee 05/15/2019 - People with disabilities around the world are killing it 05/12/2019 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Kick scooter 05/08/2019 - The beginning of my amputee journey 05/01/2019 - Preparing for the next big amputee outdoor adventure 04/28/2019 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Myo Plus 04/24/2019 - Five pictures and me - Patrice Meaume 04/19/2019 - The Active Amputee Easter Special: CoRSU in Uganda - part V 04/18/2019 - The Active Amputee Easter Special: CoRSU in Uganda - part IV 04/17/2019 - The Active Amputee Easter Special: CoRSU in Uganda - part III 04/16/2019 - The Active Amputee Easter Special: CoRSU in Uganda - part II 04/15/2019 - The Active Amputee Easter Special: CoRSU in Uganda - part I 04/10/2019 - Inclusion in action 04/03/2019 - Happy birthday to The Active Amputee 03/31/2019 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - The Evolv Adaptive Foot 03/27/2019 - ce:koon - A new company providing prosthetic covers 03/24/2019 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - I am back in full swing 02/28/2019 - Five pictures and me - Chaos Cat 02/28/2019 - Fünf Bilder und Ich - Chaos Cat 02/13/2019 - Poetry in motion 02/06/2019 - For people with disabilities staring comes as part of the package 02/06/2019 - Für Menschen mit Behinderungen ist angestarrt werden Teil des Alltags 02/01/2019 - The Active Amputee Spring Special - Amputee parenthood - Part V 01/31/2019 - The Active Amputee Spring Special - Amputee parenthood - Part IV 01/30/2019 - The Active Amputee Frühlings-Sonderausgabe - Elternschaft nach Amputation - Teil III 01/30/2019 - The Active Amputee Spring Special - Amputee parenthood - Part III 01/29/2019 - The Active Amputee Frühlings-Sonderausgabe - Elternschaft nach Amputation - Teil II 01/29/2019 - The Active Amputee Spring Special - Amputee parenthood - Part II 01/28/2019 - The Active Amputee Spring Special - Amputee parenthood - Part I 01/28/2019 - The Active Amputee Frühlings-Sonderausgabe - Elternschaft nach Amputation - Teil I 01/27/2019 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - If I Can movie with Anoushé Husain 01/23/2019 - Opportunities don’t come knocking on your door 01/20/2019 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Living Adaptive podcast with Bjoern Eser 01/16/2019 - The Active Amputee - The 888m climbing challenge 12/12/2018 - The Active Amputee - The sponsored climb 12/09/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Amputee Circus Camp 12/05/2018 - Paradox Sports macht Klettern für alle zugänglich 12/05/2018 - Paradox Sports makes climbing accessible to all 12/02/2018 - Access Adventures - All suitable for amputees 12/01/2018 - Amazing presents for amazing amputees 11/28/2018 - Appalling treatment of amputees at airport security checks 11/25/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Great videos about amputees 11/21/2018 - Accessible tourism is on the rise 11/18/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Essential hiking gear for active amputees 11/14/2018 - World adaptive surfing champion, doctor of physical therapy, above knee amputee, motivational speaker 11/08/2018 - Erste Eindrücke vom neuen Genium X3 11/08/2018 - First impressions of the new Genium X3 11/07/2018 - Der Alltag von Oberschenkelamputierten: Jasmin und Andreas berichten 11/07/2018 - The everyday life of transfemoral amputees: Jasmine and Andreas report 11/04/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Seven pillars of inclusion 10/31/2018 - The START Foundation of Australia 10/24/2018 - Amputee strongman and power lifter 10/21/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - The Invictus Games Sydney 2018 10/17/2018 - Letting people know what life as an amputee is really like 10/05/2018 - The Active Amputee Autumn Special: Enock Glidden Week - part IV 10/04/2018 - The Active Amputee Autumn Special: Enock Glidden Week - part III 10/03/2018 - The Active Amputee Autumn Special: Enock Glidden Week - part II 10/02/2018 - The Active Amputee Autumn Special: Enock Glidden Week - part I 09/26/2018 - Amputee Podcasts: Eine Fundgrube an Information und Inspiration 09/26/2018 - Amputee podcasts: A wealth of information and inspiration 09/23/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Beyond the clinic room 09/19/2018 - A personal style for prosthetic devices 09/16/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - The disabled entrepreneur 09/12/2018 - Letting go and being ready for the unexpected 09/12/2018 - Loslassen und bereit sein für das Unerwartete 08/12/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Steel Bones raises funds to continue its important work 08/08/2018 - Boxing as an above knee amputee 08/06/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Providing information, sharing inspiration and creating a community 08/01/2018 - An osteosarcoma survivor shares her journey 07/29/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Paraclimbing hacks 07/25/2018 - Climbing as an above knee amputee 07/25/2018 - Klettern nach Oberschenkelamputation 07/23/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - A big step for inclusive tourism in Nepal 07/18/2018 - Bike life 07/15/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Dealing with volume fluctuations in the residual limb 07/08/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - The new logo 07/04/2018 - World Amputee Fitness Festival 07/01/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - #thehappyamputee 06/27/2018 - Mosha, the amputee elephant by Aston Heath 06/27/2018 - Mosha, ein Elefant mit Prothese by Aston Heath 06/24/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Amazing TED Talks 06/20/2018 - Sitzvolleyball : Action für Teamplayer 06/20/2018 - Sitting volleyball: An exciting, action-packed team sport for amputees 06/13/2018 - Imperfectly Sarah: A one armed girl living in a two armed world 06/10/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Osseointegration: a viable alternative for amputees 06/06/2018 - Monique Murphy: Some assembly required 06/03/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Hiking as an above knee amputee 05/30/2018 - Circus amputees 05/27/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - A lifted truck and being a female amputee 05/23/2018 - Prosthetic covers: Interview with Emelie Strömshed from Anatomic Studios 05/16/2018 - Surviving a motorcycle accident and finding a new passion in climbing 05/13/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Sea kayaking in Wales 05/09/2018 - Surviving an alligator attack 05/09/2018 - Ich überlebte den Angriff eines Alligators 05/07/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - The Outdoor Adventure Blog 05/02/2018 - An amputation as a step into a happier life 05/02/2018 - Eine Amputation als Schritt in ein glückliches Leben 04/29/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - MAI: A graphic novel by Sriram Jagannathan 04/25/2018 - Differently-abled? Yes! But inspirational? I am not sure! 04/11/2018 - Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way - Living Life As An Amputee 04/08/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Challenged Athletes Foundation 04/04/2018 - Amputee Coalition of Toronto 03/25/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Leading through the Repair Service Center at the PyeongChang2018 Paralympics 03/21/2018 - Adventureman Jamie McDonald plans enormous trans-US solo run 03/18/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Malvika Iyer receives prestigious Nari Shakti Puraskar Award 03/11/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Impression from Nepal 03/07/2018 - Hiking in the Himalayas as an amputee 02/14/2018 - Life coaching for amputees 02/11/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Scottish Paraclimbing Club 02/07/2018 - Throwback to my last visit to Nepal 02/04/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - World Cancer Day 01/31/2018 - I Weel Travel blogger Aurélie 01/28/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Climbing foot review 01/24/2018 - Yoja and meditation to fight back into life 01/21/2018 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Welcome back! 12/17/2017 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - End of the year survey 12/13/2017 - What an incredible year for The Active Amputee 12/10/2017 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Pictures from the paraclimbing event in Newcastle 12/06/2017 - Discovering wheelchair tennis 12/03/2017 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - International Day for Disabled People 11/29/2017 - Fliegen mit Amputation 11/29/2017 - Flying as an amputee 11/26/2017 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Reel Rock 12 Film Tour 11/22/2017 - Hiking along the Long Mynd in the Shropshire Hills 11/15/2017 - Hiking in the Bavarian Alps to regain confidence 11/12/2017 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - The BMC Paraclimb Series 2017 11/08/2017 - Let’s learn to look beyond what we can see 11/05/2017 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - My first multi-pitch climb 11/01/2017 - Amputee hikes up Timor Leste‘s highest mountain to raise money for disabled people 10/29/2017 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Double amputee to run 31 marathons in 31 days 10/25/2017 - Is it ok to ask about limb difference? 10/22/2017 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - 15 amazing amputee Instagram accounts 10/18/2017 - Eine Amputation wählen, um endlich aufzublühen 10/18/2017 - Choosing an amputation to finally blossom 10/15/2017 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Follow-up on amputees you met here before 10/11/2017 - The IREDE Foundation of Nigeria: Addressing basic needs and social stigma 10/08/2017 - The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - Paraclimbing Taster 10/04/2017 - The finish line is only the start 09/27/2017 - Birthday special 09/20/2017 - Confetti Prosthetic Leg Cover by ID ETHNOS. 09/12/2017 - Paraclimbing Special - Pictures from the event 09/07/2017 - Paraclimbing Special - Videos from last year‘s series 09/05/2017 - Paraclimbing Special - Edinburgh 2015 08/30/2017 - My five proudest moments of being an amputee 08/23/2017 - Amazing prosthetic covers by ALLELES 08/16/2017 - yoocan, the world’s leading empowerment site for people with disabilities 08/09/2017 - Sea kayaking in Pembrokeshire 08/02/2017 - Awkward situations are part of the game, but discrimination is a different matter 07/26/2017 - One arm, two arms? It doesn't matter. Parkour is all about moving efficiently in your environment 07/19/2017 - One step at a time 07/16/2017 - Summer events for amputees 07/12/2017 - Three time cancer survivor Michael Robbert Brans takes on the Unbreakable challenge 07/05/2017 - Pimp my prosthesis 06/28/2017 - Tony Memmel - One-armed guitar player 06/21/2017 - Amputee pregnancy 06/14/2017 - Mountain hiking as an amputee 06/01/2017 - "What matters is how I choose to live my life." 05/30/2017 - Inclusion 2.0 - amputee bitmojis 05/24/2017 - Cycling as an amputee 05/17/2017 - From bomb blast survivor to disability rights activist 05/10/2017 - Amputees United - Let's hold hands together 05/03/2017 - Erin the double amputee circus artist 04/26/2017 - The search for the Holy Grail 04/19/2017 - April is Limb Loss Awareness Month 04/12/2017 - Dealing with stump pain 04/05/2017 - The every day Superhero 04/04/2017 - 3 reasons why it's cool to have an amputee dad 04/03/2017 - Meine Reise in die Amputation - Teil 3 04/03/2017 - My journey to losing my leg - Part III 04/02/2017 - My journey to losing my leg - Part II 04/02/2017 - Meine Reise in die Amputation - Teil 2 04/01/2017 - Meine Reise in die Amputation - Teil 1 04/01/2017 - My journey to losing my leg - Part I