The Active Amputee Weekend Edition - International Day for Disabled People

Anoushe features in the new EFDS series "Me, being active!" (picture courtesy of Anoushe Husain).
Anoushe features in the new EFDS series "Me, being active!" (picture courtesy of Anoushe Husain).

Me, Being Active - Anoushé

Today - that is December 3, 2017 - is the International Day for Disabled People. The English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) has just released a new collection of short inspirational films. The mini series is called „Me, Being Active“. Anoushé Husain who you have met here before features in one of the videos, explaining how being active is key to her lifestyle and comes with immense benefits for her overall wellbeing.


The work of EFDS is supported by Disability Rights UK and funded by Sport England. The new videos follow the EFDS‘ „Being Active Guide“ providing relevant information to people with disabilities who want to live an active life. 


If you want to learn more about the EFDS, what it does or get their guide, then head over to their webpage.



Post by Bjoern Eser, the creator of The Active Amputee.